Project Management: Definition, Process and Methodology


Project management is one of the most important skills that any entrepreneur, manager or leader should have. It is a process that helps you organize your projects, manage your resources and meet deadlines. This section will introduce you to some of these basic concepts and give you an idea of how they can be applied in your business environment. We will also provide an example of a project plan that has been used by many companies in their projects.

What is project management?

Project Definition:

A project can be managed in different ways, but it often falls into one of three categories: waterfall, agile or hybrid.

It can be defined as a set of tasks performed to achieve a common goal.

The project process, from start to finish, is illustrated below:

  • The client provides the project description and the specifications.
  • The writing team develops a list of ideas, which are then sent to the client for review and comment.
  • Once all the details are finalized, the content is written and edited by the editorial team.
  • When the content is ready, it is sent back to the client for review before being published on their site or social networks.

Project management definition:

Project management is the process of managing a project from start to finish. It is about ensuring that all parts of the project are completed on time, within budget and with high quality.

It is important for a project manager to have good leadership skills and be able to think strategically to make the best decisions for their team and company.

They must also be able to analyze data, set goals, delegate tasks, and manage risk. Project managers must also know how to work with stakeholders and be able to negotiate between different groups or departments.

Project management life cycle:

The project management life cycle is a process generally used to manage the entire life cycle of a project. It includes phases such as initiation, planning, execution, and closure.

The project management life cycle consists of 4 main stages:

    1. Initiation :

The initiation phase is the first life cycle of project management. It is a process that begins with the identification of the project need, followed by an evaluation of potential solutions and finally, the selection of the one to move forward with.

This phase consists of three stages:

  • First of all, in this step, the needs must be identified. It consists in identifying what needs to be done.
  • Then evaluate the solutions, which includes examining the feasibility of each solution and whether or not it is cost-effective.
  • And finally, the solution must be selected

     2. Planning: 

The planning phase also forms the basis for all other phases. The planning phase includes:

  • Setting goals
  • Stakeholder identification
  • Collection of requirements
  • Creation of a work breakdown structure
  • Creation of the project timeline
  • Determination of the tasks to be outsourced
  • Estimate of resources needed for each task

     3. Execution:

The execution phase of the project management life cycle is the most important phase. This is where the project manager will ensure that all tasks are completed on time, within budget and according to requirements.

The execution phase includes these steps:

  • Planning and scheduling
  • Monitoring and control
  • Quality assurance
  • closure

   4. Fence:

The closure phase is an important part of the life cycle because it allows stakeholders to assess what went well and what needs to be improved in future projects.

Project Planning:

Planning is the second step in the project life cycle. This is where you outline your goals, objectives and strategies. Planning is also an ongoing process that starts at the beginning of each project.

It helps you identify all your needs and define stakeholder expectations. It also helps you create a timeline so you can stay on top of deadlines and deliverables.

There are many different tools that can help with project planning, such as Gantt charts, timelines and road-maps.

A project plan is the blueprint for a project and provides a structure for all the activities that must be carried out for the project to run smoothly.

Project planning consists of:

  • Cut out
  • prioritization of tasks
  • task scheduling
  • identification of risks
  • definition of the schedule

Agile methodology: Scrum

Scrum actors:

  •  The Product Owner, who sets the team’s priorities and decides how to proceed.
  •  The scrum master, who ensures that everyone respects the rules of the game and remains focused on achieving their objectives.
  •  The development team, which builds the product.

Agile method process: Scrum

The Agile Scrum methodology is generally for software development projects and can be used for any project involving complex work under high uncertainty. In this method, the customer becomes the main actor of the project realization. He optimizes the product by giving regular feedback’s on the product to be realized.

The Scrum process consists of a series of time-limited iterations called “sprints” that typically last from 1 to 4 weeks. Each sprint begins with a planning meeting where the team identifies what they will be working on in the next iteration and how they plan to do it, and then they begin working on their tasks. At the end of each sprint, there is a review meeting where stakeholders provide feedback to help decide which features to keep or remove for future iterations.


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